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Wednesday, July 05, 2017
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SHUTTERFEST 2017 like all of the SHUTTERFEST's it was a Great Time! What made this year so much more special was I was able to bring my wife Norilyn. She was able to experience all of the craziness for herself. I believe she now knows why I'm so passionate about my art and she really wants to help me succeed. I took more photos this year than I did last year and both of us took lots of business classes to help us understand what we need to do.

   I would like to Thank John Nanartowicz for setting up the St. Louis Car Museum & Sales photo shoot for the 3rd year in a row. We were able to photograph an Elegant 1932 Cadillac. Which is my favorite year of automobiles. Shooting this Cadillac inspired me to come up with a new portfolio piece and a new image for the front of my website and if you want to see the full image go to Rust & Chrome in the portfolio section.

   This photo tells a story of a different time and place. A place of Luxury, Beauty, Mystery & Danger. The quote about one photo is worth a thousand words I believe might just be wrong when it comes to this photo. If your imagination is still active I believe this one photo could be a novel. Just think about the questions you could ask and answer?

Where are they? Does this place really exist? Where did they come from? Where are they going? Moonshine run possibly? Is he the Chauffeur or are they married, dating, just met or possibly a forbidden love that there families don't approve of? Which one of them has the money for such a Luxurious Automobile?

You know what I'm not going to answer any of these questions for you. That is one of many reasons I love Photography and art in general. I'm not always going to be with the viewer so when the art is released to the world the world needs to find the story that excites them.

Well on that note take another look at all the photos, make up your own stories and may you be blessed to share them with your family and friends.

Take Care,

