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Friday, March 16, 2018
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There is so much I could tell you about the Philippine's.

But let's start with why this trip was so Special to me.

It's my Wife Norilyn's Home Country. It's a place where part of her heart will always be. A good portion of her family, friends and memories reside in this beautiful tropical place. I was so excited to get to that side of the world again and see another new country. Meet all of my wife's family and friends, see how she became the wonderful woman that she is.

We first landed in Cebu and spent a couple days there meeting some of her closest friends. Letting me relax get used to the time change and just enjoy life before we jumped on another plane to fly to her island of Mindanao. This was a very quick flight and then we touched down, we were actually on her island. I would like to say Norilyn and my travels to other Asian countries had prepared me for what was a head and I knew what to expect. BUT that would be a lie. Half of her family met us at the airport. That is a huge deal to any of the little kids that were able to come to the big city, get to eat at a fast food restaurant and get spoiled. We all got into a big van and started the trek to her village in Kipit. It's a long drive, but the views are beautiful with the ocean, coconut trees and rice fields. By the time we finally got to her home it was dark outside with a few Christmas lights and the porch light on. Lot's of smiling faces waiting for us to get out of the van and a big banner hanging by the front door welcoming us with our picture on it. I had all these new nephew's and niece's coming up to me saying Kuya Luke and putting my hand to there head to bless them, very traditional Filipino customs and signs of respect. I don't know exactly what my expressions were but I would like to think that I had been smiling ear to ear.

The next day we brought her brothers, sister, nieces & nephews into our room which thankfully was air conditioned. It was time to hand out gifts. It's known as Pasalubong or Balikbayan. A tradition in the Philippine's of travelers bringing gifts for family members and close friends. It reminded me of Christmas seeing kids face's light up with all the gifts we brought, plus we brought some back from my wife's parent's that they sent with us to give the grandkids. It was such a joy and on that day it was truly better to give then receive.

The day of our wedding party! Things a suburban kid never had seen or heard specially so early in the morning. We got up before the sun rose but that didn't stop the rooster from making all sorts of racket. Then as I was about to eat breakfast they decided that was the time to kill the first of two pigs. Guess what I had no idea how loud a pig could squeal specially being slaughtered and then it was quite except for the rooster. They had the fire going to start cooking the Lechon or you would know it as a roasted pig. All the men where cleaning and preparing the pigs to be cooked. At this point I asked my wife how does everyone know we are having a party today being they didn't even know when we would be arriving. She said they heard the pigs squeal and word travels very fast. We had more people at this party then we did for our actual wedding back in Minnesota. All of her extended family, neighbors, friends, friends of friends & her teachers all showed up. It truly was a wonderful party with lots of food, drinks & of course karaoke! I didn't think they would ever stop singing karaoke and I couldn't believe how many great singers there were, but at last all good things have to come to an end and when the rolling brown outs start everything goes dark and the karaoke machine goes silent.

Now there are so many stories I could tell you from my time in the Philippines some would make you laugh, some would humble you and some might scare you, but those are all stories for another time and place.

What I want to leave you with besides a few of the photos from this trip is how I felt while I was waiting for the plane to bring us back to my home country.

I remember clearly sitting at the airport writing in my phone my feelings, thoughts and ideas trying to get it all down before I forgot. Guess what the phone didn't keep it so that wasn't a help. LOL. But the experiences and feelings like the ones I had will never leave. I can see my brother in law's face as we got into the van for the last time with a look of sadness. I can see my sister in laws face of fear on a elevator which was the first time she had ever been on one. The children laughing and playing without a care in the world and so many memories. I can say now that there is a piece of my heart that will always be in the Philippines. I have family, friends and memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

until next time take care,

